Monday, May 23, 2011

hatiku untukMu Ya Allah

hati berdoa bertemu permata jiwa ,
minda merayau ke daerah syurga ,
bibir mengungkap kata selawat cinta ,
mata merintih terkenang Yang Maha Esa .

Al-Quran:Pemberi Syafa'at

Daripada Abu Umamah r.a berkata : Aku mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:
“Bacalah Al Quran sesungguhnya ia akan datang di hari kiamat sebagai syafa’at kepada pembacanya”.
( Hadith Riwayat Muslim )

pray for me

Assalamualaikum uri chinggu !

long time no entry ... hhihhii ...

astro beyond subscribed , so ... please understand .

star king , running man , dream team , strong heart ,

haahaaha , hihiihii , kekekekeke ,

urghhh !

final exam ! *bang my head on the keyboard .

ottokke ! it is not family ga-waseo anymore ,

now it became exam ga-waseo ,

thanks a lot for lecturer who haven’t finished discussing the topic and

gave us a list of topics for us to study ourselves .

there are quite a lot to cover for the final exam .

how do we ever gonna understand the theory if we were to read it ourselves?

what if the concept is different ? won’t us be chocked up this exam ?

right now i’m digesting a few topics with the help of my bestfren ,

Adib Syarah Bt Solihen . kamsahamnida uri chinggu .

nan nomu saranghaeyo !

gonna get back to study .

wish me luck , remember me while doing your prayer ^^

hambokkesaeyo !

anneyonghaegesaeyo !

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama , kita sayang mama ~~

mama , kita sayang mama .

kita tak boleh bayang kalau mama pergi .

kalau abah marah marah , kita lari pergi kat mama ,

bila sakit sikit , kita merengek cari mama ,

kalau abe kacau , kita report cakap kat mama ,

bila ada masalah , kita luah kat mama ,

mama , kita sayang mama ,

kalau mama tak ada , kita nak cari sape ?

kalau mama pergi , kita nak merengek kat sape ?

kalau mama tak ada , kita nak report kat sape ?

kalau mama pergi , kita nak luah kat sape ?

mama , kita sayang mama .

Allah , kau panjangkanlah usia mamaku ,

agar sempat dia melihat anak anak nya berjaya ,

Allah , kau kurniakanlah kesihatan buat mamaku ,

agar dapat dia mendoakan daku ,

sesungguhnya doa mama adalah yang paling mustajab ,

Allah , kau ampunkanlah dosa mama abah ku ,

kau kasihanilah mereka sepertimana mereka mengasihani daku sewaktu kecilku .

Happy Mother's Day To All Mother in This World

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hello friends . anneyonghaeseyo ?

ya , ya . i admit it . i’ve been not updating my blog for quite a long time .

mianhe chingguya . i’m not that busy .

only that these finger is being to lazy to type something .

okay , today , is Mother’s Day .

i bet that you guy had prepared a lot of suprises for your warm nad lovely mother isn’t it ?

well , i really hope to do that too .

during school time , i’ll buy some cards and presents for my mother .

but today , i’m away in Shah Alam , Selangor while my mother is in Manjung,Perak .

i’ve been thinking and considering since yesterday whether i should text and her Happy Mama’s Day *it is mama’s day since i call her mama*

i’m afraid that my tears will flood my eyes and running through my cheeks .

yes , it does happened when I wished my abah’s (father) birthday .

I typed the wishes on his facebook and tears can’t seem to stop .

While writing , my heart hurts thinking of what i’ve done to him , making him works and pays for my study . namu appa , appa , appa .

This evening , i’ve texted my mama and I told that I love her , take care of her health and don’t be sick . And the love words , I love you .

It will always be my first and last words for my mama .