Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fary ~~ happy birthday my lovely friend ~!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t frens .

lots of love from me .

i’m taking this opportunity to wish my best friend , Fary for her birthday .

She is 21 this years and may good fortune come ahead .

remember friend , even if we’re far away , my love and my endless prayer will always be with you.

may our friendship blessed by Allah s.w.t.

and may it brings us towards Jannah .

i could still remember our memories in secondary school .

nothing that could bring us apart .

we’re always together at school .

not forgetting Aini , Aina , Myna , Wani , Azwa , Sal .

there is nothing to compare with our friendship .

luv you guys !

Repent .

perjalanan hidup ?
pelayaran ilmu ?
pemantapan akidah ?
pencarian reda ?
penempatan syurga ?
Hubungi Allah s.w.t melalui solat dan doa.Segera!Sebelum tamat tempoh hidup anda!

Allah s.w.t is there for you

.If u want to talk to Allah , perform solat .
.If u want Allah to talk to u , read Qur'an .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

dunia dan akhirat ~

~~ Apabila akhirat ada dalam hati, maka akan datanglah dunia menemaninya. Tapi apabila dunia ada di hati maka akhirat tidaklah akan menemaninya. Itu kerana akhirat mulia dan dermawan, sedangkan dunia adalah hina”(Abu Sulaiman Ad Daroni) ~~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

air mata . bukti taubat kita .

Menangislah ketika bertaubat..

semoga linangan air mata itu menjadi bukti taubat kita diakhirat kelak..

ampunilah dosa2 kami Ya Allah..

ampunilah dosa2 mereka yg memohon taubat dariMu...

someone sad here ??

Janganlah kamu bersedih, sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa bersama kita..”
(Surah At-taubah, ayat 40) .. Dont Be Sad My Dear Friends.:)

Baginda selalu berdoa seperti berikut:
“Allahumma inni auzubika minal hammi wal hazan..”
mksdnya: “ya Allah, ssungguhnya aku blindung kpdMu dari kecemasan & kesedihan..”

How to heal a broken heart:
Allahumma inni auzubika minal hammi wal hazan
'I seek refuge in Allah from feeling unsettled and from sorrow.'