Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

story of a dream came true ^^,

assalamualaikum w.b.t

it is nice to be writing again .

i just woke up from my beautiful dream .

i went to Korea which it makes me feels like pinching my arm thousands of times !

really , really couldn’t imagine it .

usually , it became a dream in my sleep which disappear when i woke up in the morning .

but not now ^^, teheehee

i went there on 10/11/11 and head back to Malaysia on 18/11/11 .

i’ll told a little by little since it might took a few entries for me to finish telling about it .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it is time for our take off !

assalamualaikum w.b.t .

lots of love to all my friends .

gonna heads up to shah alam today .

tomorrow i’ll take the flight to Korea .

wohoooo ! mansei ! Hankook mansei !

fuhhh ! i can’t even imagine that i’m going to Korea .

Thanks to Allah s.w.t for making it a dream come true .

everything is packed and now i’ll just wait to go to LCCT and take off .

really , really , really wish to bump with Running Man .

and if it does happened , i’ll gonna grab Monday Couple ,

and take thousands of pictures of them .

Pray for our safety .

btw , i’m going with my sister and my bestfriend , Adib Syarah .

Friday, November 4, 2011

namun hati . . . . . 2

Bibir menunjukkan tawa,

namun hati hiba,

muka terserlah bahagia,

namun hati tersimpan duka.

namun hati,namun hati,namun hati...

silent and quietness for you

silent doesn't mean that i'm gone .
quiet doesn't mean that i'm dead .
in this silent and quietness ,
i'm gonna watch
you and pray for you .

namun hati . . . . .

hati ini ingin sekali menegur ,,
namun bibir sering ditegur ,,
minda ini sering kali menerawang ,,
namun bibir sering menghalang .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank You Allah , Thank You Allah

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
lot of love from me and Allah s.w.t .
let us express our gratefulness for being able to face a new day ,
able to eat , drink and still capable to read my entry with the gift of eyes and sight .
i’m having my semester break right now .
nothing much to do apart from watching tv and cook !
Alhamdulillah , after all the tears poured out for not being chosen to accept the Mara loan ,
i'm still requesting the loan on the next application .
i always pray that i could receive the loan .
i also done some solat sunat tahajjud , solat sunat hajat and solat sunat dhuha .
Alhamdulillah , Thanks to Allah for listening to my prayer .
i really don’t wish to trouble my father anymore .
he had numerous things to take care of apart from me .
usually , people would call Allah’s name and start searching for Him when they
face any problem .
it was such a sad scene among ummah nowadays .
let close our eyes and think once again .
why are we here ?
what is our purpose on the Earth as a Muslim ?
what should a Muslim do ?
what would happen if we follow every single word by the shaitan ?
will Muhammad s.a.w be satisfied when seeing us drifting apart from our religion ?
now , open your eyes , take wudhuk and pray .
pray that you’ll be kept away from the hell fire .
pray that Allah s.w.t forgive all of your sins .
pray that the ummah stand together and follow Allah’s instructions .
may Allah bless all of you .
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

menanti jawapan dr Allah s.w.t

bukan menolak fitrah manusia ,
bukan menyombong pada dunia ,
bukan menafi hadir seorang lelaki ,
hanya menerima kasih Illahi ,
hanya menghormati hubungan dunia ,
hanya mengikat muhrim keranaNya

to be with Allah s.w.t

If your busy with yourself now, you will be busy with yourself then. If you are busy with God now, you will be with Him then.
(Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali)