Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jual mahal atau main tarik tali ?

Assalamualaikum ^^

Dalam usaha kita mencari pasangan hidup ni , bukan mudah kan ?
Ada je halangan datang .
Ada yang kata baik kita jual mahal atau main tarik tali .

Jual mahal tu tak mengapa .
Semakin lama masa berlalu , 
makin banyak detail yang diketahui ,
makin membuak keinginan untuk memiliki ,
makin terharu rasa yang menanti ,
bila wang dah mencukupi ,
boleh laa melamar si dia pilihan hati .

Main tarik tali pulak ,
kemungkinan untuk menang sangat tipis ,
kemungkinan para penonton bertukar bosan ,
kemungkinan seri juga ada , tiada keputusan akhir ,
apabila kerahan tenaga digunakan untuk menarik tali ,
lama kelamaan , sebelah pihak akan penat .
lalu , melepaskan tali begitu sahaja .
itu sahaja . itu noktahnya .

Jodoh datang dari Allah , berdoalah pada Allah agar dipermudahkan jodoh .
Agar dapat mengelakkan maksiat hati .
Awak tak datang dekat saya , saya pun tak datang dekat awak .

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I keep on repeating Tears from LeeSSang ft Yoojin .
the rapping part..somehow, it relates to me in some kind of way .
the happiness of watching someone that we love ,
the sadness when that person ignores us ,
the lack of courage to confess ,
the smallest details that we knew ,
the feeling that we're not good enough for that person .
And at the end of the day , we're the one who hurt the most .
It's true . I cry silently , in this dark room , at a dark night , I cry .

Try to listen and understand ~~

LeeSSang_Tears ft Yoojin (The Seeya)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Cuti ~

Cuti semakin lama .
Yang membawa maksud , masa untuk internship hampir tiba .
Ya Allah , beri ketabahan kepada ku sepanjang aku mengajar .

Saturday, January 12, 2013

ingat .

Ingat orang , walau orang tak pernah fikirkan diri ini .
Sayang orang , walau yang kita dapat hanya kata kata caci .
Hormat orang , walau orang pandang dengan penuh benci .
Doakan orang , sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Mengetahui .

We're just gonna

Keep moving on ,
moving on ,
moving on .

Thursday, January 10, 2013

THIS girl is on fire .

She's just a girl and she's on fire ,
Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway ,
She's living in a world and it's on fire ,
Feeling with catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away ,

She got both feet on the ground ,
And she's burning it down ,
She got her head in the clouds ,
And she's not backing down ,

This girl is on fire ,
She's walking on fire ,
This girl is on fire ,

Looks like a girl, but she's a flame ,
So bright, she can burn your eyes ,
Better look the other way ,
You can try but you'll never forget her name ,
She's on top of the world ,
Hottest of the hottest girls say ,

We got our feet on the ground ,
And we're burning it down ,
Got our head in the clouds ,
And we're not coming down ,

This girl is on fire ,
She's walking on fire ,
This girl is on fire ,

Everybody stares, as she goes by ,
Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes ,
Watch her when she's lighting up the night ,
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl ,
And it's a lonely world ,
But she gonna' let it burn, baby, burn, baby

This girl is on fire ,
She's walking on fire ,
This girl is on fire ,

She's just a girl and she's on fire\

~Alicia Keys

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nah . Bibimbap .

Here we go ~! 
I made bibimbap today cuz i'm craving for it soOo much .
I have it with some fried ground beef , egg , mushrooms , kimchi , spring onion and cooked bean sprout .
Make sure to mix it thoroughly . 
nomnomnom ~!

Nicely organize .
Nicely mix ^^

runny nose . again .

Assalamualaikum w.b.t sahabat .
dapat selsema lagi .
dapat sudden migrain . kerap jugak .
kena bwk ubat migrain ke mana-mana .
semoga dengan ini , terhapus dosa-dosa kecilku . in sya Allah .

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Am A Fighter . Thank You .

After all of the fights and the lies cause you're wanted to haunt me 
But that
won't work anymore 
Uh, no more, oh no,
it's over 
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture 
I wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down 

So I wanna say thank you 

'Cause it makes me that much stronger 
Makes me work a little bit harder 
Makes me that much wiser 
So thanks for making me a fighter 
Made me learn a little bit faster 
Made my skin a little bit thicker 
It makes me that much smarter 

So thanks for making me a fighter 

~Fighter~Christina Aguilera~

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

azam ??

A:Tengok,labuh tak tudung aku? *menayang selendang yang menutup seluruh dadanya*
S: *pusing belakang , tengok , sambung main congkak*
A:Ni azam tahun baru aku . Pakai tudung labuh .
S:*tanpa perasaan* Tudung labuh , baju ketat buat hape ?
A:Kena buat sikit-sikit dulu . Mana boleh terkejut .
S: Emm,yerla . Masuk neraka pun terkejut jugak .
A:*Diam berlalu pergi*

Berazam tu tak salah tapi kena perbetulkan definisi menutup aurat .
Kalau nak diikutkan , ramai je yang pakai tudung tapi bajunya ketat,lengan pendek,pakai legging . 
Buat demi Allah , tak payah risaulah orang lain nak terkejut ke , melatah ke , mengumpat ke . 
Yang penting kita perbaiki diri kita . Wallahualam .