Saturday, September 25, 2010

Magika ~

Last Thursday,my frens and i went to Sunway...
were just hanging out..
btw,i've finished my fasting 6 days in Syawal...
so,i'm celebrating my 'second eid'...hee
we're planning for grand dinner..
our list is to eat at Kenny Rogers,Baskin Robbin,Coffee Bean and bought something at Jusco..
but at last we're just ended up eating ONLY Kenny Roger...
the dish already filled our stomach..
there is no way for other food to enter..

we also watched Magika *Malay movie*
my opinion before watching da story is " gila tengok cite ni !"
but after watching it..
it is surely a touching story...
and , and , and ...
it make me fall in love with Bad..
ughhh ! so cool and strong and protective and slumber and loving ..
what else could i say ..
yes i do have something to say..
i will be totally in love with Bad if he do'nt do the vomit-eating-thingy OKAY !
i've ended up staring at the scrin with both hands under my chin..
what an amazing story that could make me do that ???
yup,it's Magika..
watch it or lose it !

that's my story.

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