Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank You Allah , Thank You Allah

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
lot of love from me and Allah s.w.t .
let us express our gratefulness for being able to face a new day ,
able to eat , drink and still capable to read my entry with the gift of eyes and sight .
i’m having my semester break right now .
nothing much to do apart from watching tv and cook !
Alhamdulillah , after all the tears poured out for not being chosen to accept the Mara loan ,
i'm still requesting the loan on the next application .
i always pray that i could receive the loan .
i also done some solat sunat tahajjud , solat sunat hajat and solat sunat dhuha .
Alhamdulillah , Thanks to Allah for listening to my prayer .
i really don’t wish to trouble my father anymore .
he had numerous things to take care of apart from me .
usually , people would call Allah’s name and start searching for Him when they
face any problem .
it was such a sad scene among ummah nowadays .
let close our eyes and think once again .
why are we here ?
what is our purpose on the Earth as a Muslim ?
what should a Muslim do ?
what would happen if we follow every single word by the shaitan ?
will Muhammad s.a.w be satisfied when seeing us drifting apart from our religion ?
now , open your eyes , take wudhuk and pray .
pray that you’ll be kept away from the hell fire .
pray that Allah s.w.t forgive all of your sins .
pray that the ummah stand together and follow Allah’s instructions .
may Allah bless all of you .
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

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