Thursday, September 30, 2010

mood? i dun have it rite now.

urghhhh ! no mood for writing for this week but i still gonna write some..
do u ever have crush before..?
yup same goes to me..
in fact, i had a lot of crush especially during my school time..
but i dun do couple in school..
enough with admiring,smiling alone and motivation...hee :)
recently,i had found new crush and i was crazy for him for this seven months...
n last week i knew that he had a girlfriend..
urghh ! there goes my another crush..
who's gonna motivate me after this..????
i'm so down !
gonna list things that i hate about him..

another thins that turns my mood off is..
my blog..
no matter how i change the colours of the writing..
it would still turn out as black when i post it..
another urghhh !

OKAY ! this is a urghhhh ! week !

This is my story.

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