Saturday, October 23, 2010

the day ~

setiap permulaan ada akhirnya ,
yang hidup akan mati ,
yang tumbuh akan tunduk layu ,

and now , my internship had ended . .
urghhh .
it was such an unexplainable feeling .
should i say it sad or happy .
and it was just confusing .

happy because i could go back to my hometown
and taking care of my siblings . .
as my parents are performing hajj right now . .
happy that i dun need to face the naughty students over again . .
all of the screaming and shouting doesn't only hurt their ears . .
it also hurts my feeling . .
why dun u just understand my feeling kids ?

sad that i need to leave person i love . .
sad to be parted with nice colleagues . .
sad to leave all the nice , quiet and cute students . .

but the the time has came .
i have to get going .
bye guys n girls .
i really hope that all of u succeeded in ur life .

that's my story

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